Kids Capers NAMBOUR Centre Philosophy

Centre Philosophy

“We would like to recognise the traditional landowners of this land, the Gubbi Gubbi people, on whose land we build our community on today.”

Here at Kids Capers Childcare Nambour, we recognise the importance of the early years, aiming to provide an environment that is warm, welcoming and with a great sense of community. For each child, family, and educator to be able to feel a sense of belonging within our service each day. We believe that the early years is the time for a child to be able to take part in life’s experiences and explore the world that surrounds them, by providing them with opportunities, and a variety of outdoor environments, including our bush kindy area which is visited every day. We believe children develop a sense of being by taking the time to investigate, imagine and explore in each and every moment. And we continue to create an environment for children to be able to develop and create their own identity, becoming an active participant in our community.


Our children are on a journey of self-discovery and have the right to experience a nurturing and supportive environment. We believe our children are the leaders of our program, and that all children’s voices should be heard and embedded into our daily programs. We value the children as individuals, and as successful, competent, and capable learners, where we respect who they are and where they come from. Our environments reflect their voices and ideas of play by providing a nurturing and supportive space. Our children value “playing with my friends’’, ‘’bush kindy’’, ‘’the sandpit’’ and “drawing and painting” throughout the day.


We pride ourselves on building positive and collaborative partnerships with our families in order for them to feel connected to our centre. We recognise each families cultural background and values and encourage families to share this with us as they contribute to our program, planning and daily practices. Through respectful communication channels, together we will build an inclusive environment, where their children have a strong sense of belonging, and in that achieving the best outcomes for all children.


Our qualified educators are very passionate, committed, and nurturing, with each bringing their own talent, strengths, and love of learning. We believe in sharing creative practices within our team and community. Our educators deliberately scaffold children’s learning through intentional and spontaneous teaching moments, using the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guide (QKLG). Our goals and aspirations are to provide high quality education and care for all young learners, and we believe our educators are the forefront of what we do.


Our community plays such an important role into the overall development of our children. The children have opportunities to explore their community and surroundings through excursions and exploring their large natural environment within the service, but also become aware of our local Indigenous community. We acknowledge the traditional landowners in our daily program, and recognise their culture and history, enabling children to expand their knowledge around our diverse communities and different ways of being.


Our leadership team envisions our centre as an extension of the children’s homes. Our environments are valued as the third teacher and are inspired by our large and unique natural play spaces which evoke and encourage children’s imaginations. Our leadership team pride themselves on the relationships built with all stakeholders of our service including our wider community. We encourage input, and feedback to ensure the service we provide to the children and families meets their needs and expectations everyday.

Updated March 2024


Visit Us

47 Image Flat Road,

Nambour, Qld, 4560


(07) 5476 0378